THANK YOU to everyone who made our year-end fundraisers a success! And THANK YOU to DCIN’s amazing volunteers, who are the invisible people doing all the work to help extra-sweet kitties!
Because of your amazing dedication, in 2024 DCIN has helped almost 200 kitties directly, including 22 shelter cats. This isn’t counting all the rehoming courtesy posts we make and all the people and cats we help who don’t make it into our official database. The work we do here is truly lifesaving and life-changing, and it’s imperative that DCIN be able to continue this critical work.
Would you join us during this last week of 2024 to help ensure DCIN has a solid financial start to 2025? We would love to be able to reopen our Compassionate Assistance Program, which provides ongoing help. Most of the kitties we helped in 2024 were under our One-Time Assistance Program, and they typically need ongoing help as well. We simply don’t have the financial reserves now to support CAP properly. We’re depending on our supporters to help build a fund that we can use to relaunch CAP in 2025! CLICK HERE to support our work!
We also are in desperate need of more Case Managers who can take on clients and help them navigate the world of the extra-sweet dance. Please get in touch if you think you’d be interested! Please know going in that being a CM can be intense and time-consuming. Many people start the volunteer process and then slowly fade away. If you think you have what it takes to join the Small & Mighty DCIN Team, we’d love to chat!
Thank you all again. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2025!
~Amy, Executive Director of Diabetic Cats in Need